Holsbyfrikyrka (Holsby free church) is an evangelical free church in the community of Holsbybrunn. We are located less than 10 kilometers outside of Vetlanda, in the heart of Småland. We are a church for all ages and for people from all backgrounds, a meeting place where we can follow Jesus together.
Our services are conducted in Swedish, but many in our church community have international backgrounds. Headsets are available at the sound booth if you would like translation.
Our Meeting Times
Our church meetings (gudstjänst) are at 10.00 on Sunday mornings, with a coffee time (fika) following. Please check the ”kalender” in the menu of the homepage for current information.
All are welcome!
Sunday school is offered for children aged 3 – 12. For families with young, children and infants we have a playroom downstairs where you are able to watch and listen to the service.
Our Programs
There’s something for everyone — Eden, our youth group for 13-19 year-olds meets at the church Friday nights. Holsbybrunn’s local Scout group, for children and youth ages 8 – 17, meets Thursdays nights. We have local outreach groups, care groups, small groups and more.
If you or someone you know would like more information, or would like to be connected with one of our church members with an international background, please contact us! We’d love to hear from you.
Josef Hugosson, pastor:
0761 – 70 86 21 josef.holsbyfrikyrka@gmail.com
Trista Miller, youth leader:
0723 – 37 16 77 trista.holsbyfrikyrka@gmail.com
Linda Henrysson, head of the board:
0705 – 34 26 90 linda.henrysson@telia.com